2017 Red Ribbon Brigade

2018 Red Ribbon Brigade

2018 Red Ribbon Brigade

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Be a Voice this World AIDS Day!


“World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.” avert.org


December 1 is International World AIDS Day. While there continues to be many positive advancements in HIV/AIDS research and treatment, stigma prevails.

The Red Ribbon Brigade takes to the streets to raise awareness about World AIDS Day and be a Voice for HIV!

From 8:00am – 10:30am on Friday, November 30, the Red Ribbon Brigade will be in 3 locations in downtown Toronto handing out red ribbons and World AIDS Day cards asking people to wear a ribbon and use social media to spread the word to:







We are recruiting 12 people to join the Brigade!

There are only a few spots available! First come first serve! Sign up to be part of the Red Ribbon Brigade and help spread the word! Fill out the form below. A representative from PWA will be in touch to confirm your position on the Brigade and all the details.

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