As we enter into spring, the government of Ontario is also launching Phase 2 of vaccinations, and we are part of it! If you are looking for more information on how to book your vaccination date and on Ontario’s Plan for Phase 2, please check the links below:
Ontario’s COVID-19 Vaccination plan for phase 2
Update: As of May 10th, the Ontario Vaccine Roll-Out has expanded to include people with “At-Risk” health conditions, which includes “Immunocompromising Health Conditions”.
Please, keep in mind that PHA’s were added under the At-Risk group, which will be the latest group to get the vaccinated on Phase 2. (for more details, check this link)
Do you need support on getting your vaccine booked for you?
Don’t you worry, contact our Engagement Coordinator Yapoka at (416)506-1400 Ext. 244 or email her at: ymtegha@pwatoronto.org
If you have any other questions or concerns, please message us through our page or email: pschuurhuis@pwatoronto.org and we will support you with an answer!
Let’s end the spread of COVID-19! and get vaccinated!