2016 Holiday Joy

Holiday Bags 2016

Holiday Bags 2016

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PWA’s Holiday Bags 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016


The annual Holiday Hamper Gift Bags from Toronto PWA were handed out to hundreds of men, women and children who showed their appreciation with smiles, warm hugs and thank-you’s. Almost an hour before opening people came to lineup and patiently wait for their first sighting of Santa Claus inside. And show up he did!

PWA spoke with four people who were present to get a sense of what it is like to volunteer on this meaningful day; What it is like to receive the generous  Holiday Hamper Gift Bags; And, how some are feeling with the approaching season coming.

“I think it’s what I receive from knowing that I’m doing something for others at this time of year. I have a lot of things on my mind. My family is not here – I live in the city alone, I’m HIV positive. So, it helps to take my mind off all that ‘hectic-holiday-stress’. And knowing that I’m doing something for somebody else is always beneficial. It always makes you feel better. You hear the applause of all the volunteers once everything is set-up for the Hampers. You see the fellowship. The comradery. Just all the way around it seems like a good idea to be here.

 I received a mouthwash inside the Gift Bag. It’s the family size format. And I don’t have a family so I had the mouthwash for that year. And all year long when I went to my bathroom, even if I wasn’t conscious of it, I knew somebody thought about me. Somebody cared enough about me. And that’s a good thought. I had 12 bars of soap. That’s soap for the year. Laundry detergent for my clothes. It really helps out way past the Holiday season. It reaches into the next year.”-  Adrian

Sometimes when we think of Christmas and the coming Holiday Season we think of family’s coming together, crowded shopping malls, and which invitations for merriment we will choose. For people living with HIV it can be a time of deep sadness and loneliness rooted in stigma and isolation. The idea of spending time with family and friends may be a distant and painful thought.

“I’ve always volunteered for the Christmas Holiday Hampers. It’s always good to give back to the community. It’s the one thing I really do enjoy every year. I’ve volunteered in other areas at PWA like the laundry and the Essential Market. This one makes the most sense at this time of year. The Holiday Hampers are good because a lot of the products you need every day. And, they are also expensive, a bottle of laundry soap, a couple bottles of shampoo, that will last you almost the whole year. I’m still using some of the body soaps from last year.

 How do the Holidays affect me? I’m actually pretty good with Christmas. I came from a fairly big family. My mother got smart when my sisters got married and began celebrating Christmas a week earlier so we could all visit and spend time with everyone.”  – Steve

Inside the hall of  St. Luke’s Church people were treated to assorted baked goods, beverages like sodas, hot chocolate and coffee. There could even be found tables well stocked with selections of music CD’s to choose from, films to watch later, and books for that good read on a wintery day.

“Actually being part of Toronto PWA has always been a part of me. Since the mid-to-late-eighties when PWA first got founded. I’ve always found that PWA fills a certain space when people are worried, consumed, a little bit lost, finding their way through all of these situations when they have HIV. But the Gift Bag itself is meaningful, I understand for most people at this particular time of year is most difficult, and the bag is not just products. It’s more a symbol of caring. A symbol thatyou are part of something. Most people suffer with loneliness. And just to know that they are part of something is a great help for many many people.”

 “The Holidays? Christmas itself is a unique time. I’m Jewish. My partner is Buddhist. We just enjoy all our friends and try to do good. And try to help others where they need help. We’ve always been volunteering or part of other relief help. For us, it’s just a time when we worry less about ourselves and more about others.”  – Paul

It is a credit to Toronto PWA for ensuring this special day occurs annually so people living with HIV are able to have a good start to the 2016 Holiday Season. And begin the 2017 New Year with a sense of being cared about, having inclusion, and respected. It was a chance to see fellow peers, and to thank employees and volunteers of Toronto PWA for the year-round efforts of support.

“It’s my first time volunteering for the Holiday Hamper Gift Bags and I wanted to give back to the community because they gave so much to me. I’ve been volunteering with PWA since April of this year. It’s all about giving back. I think the Gift Bags help a lot of people. The products that are included in each bag are expensive when you have to buy them. So, for those that are in need – that’s a big help. It’s going to help out. Of course, for those that are alone it’s like a great big gift! It’s all about positive energy.”

 “I like the coming holidays. I go with the vibe. This year I am going to visit everybody I know here. I just moved to Toronto. Everything is new. I’ve connected with a couple of people. It’s cool.  – Danny

 PWA is so thankful to the following companies and individuals who supported the Holiday Bag Program for 2016, without your generosity we could never support our clients at this time of year:

P & G, Johnson & Johnson, Roots Canada, Starbucks Canada, McGregor Industries, Mila Thirasack, New Leaf Florals & Gifts, Trifuno Retail Solutions,  Staging Sisters, Point Tent & Trailer Resort, and St. Luke’s Church.


Written by Philip Dawson for PWA








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