2016 Holiday Joy

Holiday Joy!

Holiday Joy!

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Joy Drive

PWA is proud to once again launch the annual Joy Drive, our holiday food drive for the Essentials Market. Last year we collected over 5500 pounds of non-perishable food and personal hygiene products.  PWA is the only food bank in Toronto that exclusively serves people living with HIV/AIDS. This significant program will run from Monday, November 14, 2016 through to Friday, December 23, 2016 at participating locations. Visit our website for information and locations of our Joy Drive partners.


Holiday Bag Program

As we get closer to the holidays and the season of giving, PWA is happy to share in the spirit of the season with our Annual Holiday Bag and Children’s Gift Certificate Programs.

Over two days in December staff and volunteers meet to assemble and hand out hundreds of bags filled with donated goods to help make the holidays special for our clients. This year we are thrilled to partner up with St. Luke’s Church, located at Carlton and Sherbourne, to share this experience together. Opportunities to attend social outings, like the holiday events that PWA put on each year, reduce isolation, increase social support, encourage ongoing  learning and improve self-esteem that play an important role in staying healthy.

Thanks to our supporters and contributors of the Holiday Bag program who have come together to support this annual initiative, Johnson & Johnson, P & G, McGregor Industries, Starbucks, Book AIDS, Rogers, and of course the Staff and Volunteers who will make it all happen.

Clients with children under the age of 18 can register for a Children’s Gift Certificate, part of our Positive Children’s Fund. Parents who have registered for this popular holiday program will receive a gift certificate valued at $30 to contribute toward the purchase of a special gift for their child. PWA strives to provide opportunities for individuals to be empowered to make their own choices. By providing a gift certificate, parents can make the choice of what gift to give their child rather than having the decision made for them.

The Holiday Bags and Children’s Gift Certificates will be handed out at St. Luke’s Church on Sunday, December 11.

Help make this a joyous holiday. Donate to PWA and support one of our holiday programs.

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