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Planned Giving (remembering the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation in your will) 

You can support the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation in many ways – when the time is right, please consider a gift in your will. By carefully planning your bequest, you can reduce or eliminate the taxes payable on your estate. Your estate can claim gifts in the year of death equal to 100 per cent of your net income in that year and the preceding year. 

By remembering PWA in your estate planning, your legacy will contribute to our ability to provide practical direct support services while creating a safe and affirming community for people living with HIV/AIDS. 

If you’d like more information, simply contact us at the number below – all calls are confidential. We have also provided a list of sample will clauses for you or your lawyer to consider. 

Remember – a will is a legal document. We strongly encourage you to seek legal estate planning advice from a qualified lawyer if you are making a will or changing your will. We would be pleased to confer with you and your lawyer to help draft specific bequest clauses. All calls will be kept confidential. 

For more information, please contact our Development Officer, Marie Marchand, on email: donate@pwatoronto.org.or call (416) 506-1400 ext. 240 

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