PWA Welcomes Josh to the Team

PWA Welcomes Josh to the Team

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josh hWe are pleased to announce that Josh Herbert has joined the PWA team as the new PHA Engagement Coordinator!

Josh brings to his role extensive management experience providing leadership, support and training to staff teams and to operations coordination. His management focus centred on supporting individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives with regards to growth and development. Additionally, Josh has been a volunteer at PWA for over 3 years providing dedicated service on the Service Access team, Bike Rally rider in 2013 and as crew member in 2014. Through his volunteering, Josh has gained comprehensive knowledge about PWA’s services and clients.

In his staff role, Josh will be leading the PHA Engagement program, which includes the Health Champion, PHA-PI (Patient Instructor), Poz Prevention and Speaker’s Bureau programs. The PHA Engagement program is an important one at PWA for it directly fulfills a core PWA value to meaningfully engaging PHAs in HIV prevention and education. Josh will be supporting these important peer outreach programs as we combine them, for the first time, under one staff position. As the new PHA Engagement Coordinator, Josh will focus on training, coaching and supporting our peers in their roles and in their own health and well-being.

Please join us in welcoming Josh to our staff team. Josh can be reached by email at or by phone at (416) 506-1400 ext. 220.

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