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White Gay Men 40+ Survey

PWA has gone through many changes: from starting in the living rooms of gay men and lesbians to creating services specifically for people living with HIV/AIDS to advocating for HIV treatment and the automatic eligibility of PHAs applying for ODSP among many other things throughout the years.  In response to evolution of the HIV epidemic, PWA has had to change and grow, as has its programs, by listening to the voices of its Community Members.

The first PWA office was housed in the apartment of one of its founders at 44 Huntley Street, followed by a brief stay in Casey House until funding could be secured for its location on Yonge Street with ACT.  Later, PWA and ACT moved to Church St and as PWA grew it needed Church Street to find something larger in the area, 200 Gerrard St.  Now, we are fortunate that an even larger space was donated to us at 163 Queens St East where we look forward to creating a Hub with other AIDS Service Organizations.  

This year, PWA is introducing a White Gay Men’s 40+ Survey to help us understand how our programs and services are meeting our Community Members needs; what our Community Members feel we are doing well; and what they would like to see more of. This survey will run this spring and the results will be used to enhance our programs and services to ensure that we are on track.

We would very much appreciate it if you could take a few minutes during your time here today to complete our PWA White Gay Men 40+ Survey and tell us about your experience with PWA.    

The survey is anonymous and should take you about 20 minutes to complete. The information collected does not affect whether you are eligible to access programs and services at PWA.

After you have completed the survey, please drop it in the box marked “PWA White Gay Men 40+ Surveys” located at the front desk.

You also have the option to complete the survey online. Please feel free to take a card with a link to the survey home with you if you prefer to complete the survey online.  If you are not a Gay White Male 40+ then you can still participate by filling out a Customer Survey located in the Essential Market, Front Desk, and Lounge area.

If you need help completing the survey, please contact Kyle Vose, Service Access Manager 416-506-1400 ext. 214, kvose@pwatoronto.org who can help guide you through the survey questions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ian McKnight, Director of Programs & Services at (416) 506-1400 ext. 239 or imcknight@pwatoronto.org.

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